The skies the limit when it comes to teaching 1:1! That being said, I realize I can not do it all in the first year. Instead I have picked 3 areas to focus on this year:
- reduce paper copies by transitioning to paperless docs
- use a blog to connect with students via posting lessons, Google Docs and online learning resources
- provide authentic online learning experiences...for my content (Spanish) this means enhancing the 4 language domains (vocabulary, vocabulary control, communication strategies, cultural awareness)...starting small with at least one online experience per unit
If I expect my students to blend their learning with online and face to face interactions then I must model those same expectations from day one of school. Here is what I did:
- Created our class blog "Spanish Flipped4u" using Blogger & Projected the blog daily to feature anticipatory sets, lessons at a glance, learning websites and docs in Google Drive
- Created Digital Course Outline & Expectations using - Embedded a PowToon in my Smore to feature expectations regarding Class Culture & Community
These are my first steps in making 1:1 a meaningful learning experience for my students. Stay tuned for more posts to see how I meet my three 1:1 goals throughout this school year.