Since blended learning is likely coming to your district soon, I thought you might like a mini-trailer of what's to come. So, read further, click on the links below and get a peak of what is undoubtedly coming your way!
Click on this an amazing info-graphic on blended learning (or click on the image) posted by The Nkewton Company.
ALEKS (Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces): this is an on-line assessment system
Mimio (formerly Headsprout): this is an on-line reading software program
Dreambox: this is an on-line adaptive learning math program designed around the Common Core State Standards
Reasoning Mind: this is a a non-profit organization that blends on-line learning with teacher to student math instruction
Rosetta Stone: this offers on-line language learning (not referenced in the info-graphic, but important to note is in early April Rosetta Stone bought LiveMocha which supports on-line classroom learning)
Accelerated Reader: this is by the Renaissance Learning company and offers on-line learning for reading and math
Edgenuity, Inc. (formerly e2020): this offers a full range of curriculum and courses inclusive of core courses to electives such as world languages. It also offers credit recovery courses
Kivuto (formerly eAcademy): this company offers on-line learning tools, but is now expanding technology services beyond education
Rocketship Education: this on-line learning platform focuses on closing the achievement gap of low-income learners
Whoa! Did you have any idea that blended learning meant all of that?!? Or that all of these blended learning platforms already existed? And to think, these are only the sites listed in the info-graph! It is safe to say that blended learning is certainly not limited to these platforms. As blended learning evolves many other companies are bound to surface in order to keep up with 21st century learning.
If you want to stay in the know and/or you just can't read enough regarding blended learning, then check out My Blended Learning Page for a continuation of this posting with more resources.